Monday, December 31, 2012

Overnight crockpot apple oatmeal

What better way to wake up in the morning than with a nice hot bowl of apple oatmeal...and not the instant packet stuff either. I am very picky about my oatmeal and don't like it too mushy or too chewy, but I saw this and I thought well why not give it a try. Besides if I don't like it...I can always pawn it off on the hubby...evil smirk...muwahahaha.

There are a few things that I would change but they are for my own personal preference. So before we get to that, here is the recipe :

  • 2 medium apples peeled and diced
  • 1/3 cup packed brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 2 cups oatmeal
  • 4 cups water
I prefer big pieces of apple in my oatmeal rather than small diced so I sliced mine. I also prefer more apples so I used 3 apples instead of the 2.
Place the apples in the bottom of the crockpot. There is no need to spray the crockpot with any kind of cooking spray but if you wish you can use a slow cooker bag to help with clean up.
I added the brown sugar like it said but think that it's not really necessary as I like to add my sugar after it's cooked...I can be a bit heavy handed on the brown sugar :-)
Add the brown sugar and cinnamon on top of the apples. I was surprised at how bland the oatmeal was with the 1/3 cup of brown sugar so I think next time I will leave it out and add the sugar later...but DO add the cinnamon! By adding the sugar later you can control how sweet or not you want it or if you want to sweeten with sugar substitute. It won't affect the cooking of the oatmeal if you omit the sugar.
I used old fashioned oats because of the cooking length and my finickiness about mushy oatmeal
Now add the two cups of oatmeal. The recipe didn't specify what kind of oats to use, but since it was going to cook over night I decided to use old fashioned oats rather than quick cooking ones so it wouldn't turn into wallpaper paste. After making this, I thought steel cut oats would be a lovely alternative.
Added the water.
Next add the water. Do not stir! Once the water is added put the lid on, turn the crockpot onto LOW and let cook for 8-9 hours, or give or take to your own liking. I found that 8 hours was plenty for me. Not to mushy but not chewy or gummy either.
Couldn't wait to try it, so sorry no pretty picture of it in a bowl There is just enough leftovers for tomorrow..yeah!
Oh the house smelled divine!!! Nothing better than waking up to the smell of apples and cinnamon! It's for sure a great way to make you smile...even on a Monday! This recipe makes a nice fairly large batch of oatmeal great for families. Since it's just the two of us we had some left over...but not The container here holds about 2 cups.
It doesn't matter the type of apples used, I used fuji because it's what I have on hand all the time but if you prefer a granny smith for a more tart apple that would work fine too. I used light brown sugar but dark brown sugar could be used as well for a richer deeper molasses or carmelish flavor. Again with the oats, my personal preference was the old fashioned but any kind would work well just be mindful of cooking times. Other things would be lovely added to this as well like dropping in 1/3 cup of raisins, dried cranberries, or any other type of dried fruit you enjoy. This recipe is so versatile and easy even the kids could join in and make it their own.
I hope you enjoy it and I would love to hear the different variations that you all come up with.